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Founded in 1996
Employees 380
Avg. monthly salary 3477.74 €
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About Girteka

Girteka is a leading Transport and Logistics company providing services in over 15 countries and is one of the largest employers in Lithuania. Girteka is rapidly expanding internationally, together with its partner SAP Girteka is fully digitalizing its operations, continues to expand its own fleet, and aims to be among the TOP 10 Transport and Logistics companies in Europe by 2026. Girteka is prolific in solving road safety problems, supporting environmental and sustainability initiatives, and is also the main sponsor of the Lithuanian National Paralympic Team.

Rapid growth and ambitious development, as well as a responsible attitude, inspire us every day to take the lead and grow together along with the company. The story of Girteka proves that nothing is impossible if you have a purpose and have unwavering faith in it.

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