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Founded in 1990
Employees 31
Avg. monthly salary 6719.49 €
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About SBA

SBA group is one of the largest Lithuanian-capital enterprises investing in state-of-the-art innovations to create a better environment. The activities of SBA companies focus on furniture, textile, modular construction, and real estate, sectors. SBA group unites 30 enterprises running in Lithuania and other Baltic and CEE countries with more than 5000 people working there. Its annual turnover was 362 million euros in 2019. More than 90 percent of SBA companies’ production is exported to 50 countries worldwide.

Invent Everyday, for the Better - this is a mission of SBA companies. Innovative solutions, modern and environmentally friendly systems help ensure sustainable business development with maximum attention for the people and the environment and minimum footprint on the planet.

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