Dexcom logo
Founded in 2021
Employees 449
Avg. monthly salary 2929.48 €
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About Dexcom

Founded in 1999, Dexcom empowers people to take control of their diabetes through innovative continuous glucose monitoring systems. By listening to the needs of users, caregivers and healthcare providers, Dexcom simplifies and improves diabetes management around the world. Headquartered in San Diego, California, with additional offices in the U.S., Europe, and Asia Pacific, the company employs approximately 5,000 people. Vilnius Global Business Services centre supports Dexcom operations and its customers across the EMEA region and will expand the company's patient support, customer advocacy, finance and accounting operations in Europe.

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Open positions

10 months ago

Product Support Advisor, German Speaker

Entry-level specialist
Customer Support
Problem Solving
1643 - 2030 €
19 hours ago

Product Support Representative, French Speaker

Entry-level specialist
Problem Solving
1644 - 1933 €
Vilnius, Remote job